Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Raw Honey -- Good for allergy relief?

HEALTHY FIT WOMAN -Find a Healthy You
Healthy fit woman provides exercise and health advice and products for women.

I went to whole foods yesterday in search of bee pollen. I figured that I needed to do something to seek relief from my horrific allergy attacks. I hate pollen! However... I heard that the best way to beat pollen is to eat it.

It works like this. You eat the pollen and then because it is inside of your, your allergic reaction is not as severe. Problem with this is that you have to eat pollen that bothers you. Therefore, the bees need to have retrieved pollen from the nasty plants around you. Likely hood of a bee taking pollen from ragweed? Null. However... I'm assuming that there trace amounts of some of the main allergy culprits in the collected pollen and therefore the honey made from this pollen - made by the bees. So -- the whole foods guy told me to eat raw honey. This is unprocessed, unheated honey. It Kindof looks whiteish in color. I have been feasting on it and it tastes awesome! Feeling a little tingling in my throat right now and hoping that it does not swell shut.

Has anyone tried this method of allergy relief before? What were your results if any?

Also, for some more allergy relief tips as well as general help tips. I found this link on MSN. Very Helpful!

HEALTHY FIT WOMAN -Find a Healthy You
Healthy fit woman provides exercise and health advice and products for women.