Sunday, December 13, 2009

Former Miss Argentina dies after plastic surgery

This is not typically the type of article I would usually post to this site, but I just thought this was so sad and shocking. "Former Miss Argentina dies after suffering complications from BUTT LIFT SURGERY"!!! are you kidding me?! I heard them talking about this on Bravo and I thought they were joking. I think it's so sad that this beautiful woman died trying to make herself more perfect. Wow!! Here's the article that I found on - written by or posted (not sure) by Tiffany O'Callaghan titled:

Beauty queen

dies after plastic surgery


Former Miss Argentina Solange Magnano died Sunday from complications arising during a gluteoplasty—or bum lift. A friend of the former beauty queen told the Associated Press that liquid injected during the procedure had somehow traveled to her lungs and brain. After three days in critical care in a Buenos Aires hospital, Magnano ultimately died of a pulmonary embolism, or blocked artery in the lung.

Magnano was the mother of 7-year-old twins. She won the Miss Argentina crown in 1994, and remained popular throughout the country. Most recently she had been working on a runway show scheduled for December. Friends were both saddened and dismayed by the news. Magnano's close friend Roberto Piazza told the AP:

"A woman who had everything lost her life to have a slightly firmer behind."

In recent years, plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in Argentina—as many as 1 in 30 Argentinians undergo cosmetic procedures, according to some estimates. And, as the cost of cosmetic procedures is significantly lower in Argentina than in other parts of the world (including the U.S.), medical tourism for plastic surgery has increased.

The news of Magnano's death may underscore points made by opponents of a proposed 5% plastic surgery tax, currently being considered as part of the Senate health bill. Detractors argue that taxing cosmetic procedures in the U.S. could drive patients to seek those surgeries elsewhere, where safety regulations may not be as stringent. Yet, regardless of where cosmetic surgeries are performed, like any surgeries they come with serious risks—including the rare possibility of death. In January 2004, novelist Olivia Goldsmith died after going into cardiac arrest during a facelift. Just two year's ago, hip-hop artist Kanye West's mother died after complications arising during plastic surgery. And two months ago, a woman died in Miami after complications arose during a liposuction procedure.

Of course, these tragic examples of senseless deaths represent only a tiny fraction of all plastic surgery patients. But they raise important questions about the very real risks involved in cosmetic surgeries. As they struggle to cope with her loss, surely Magnano's family and friends are also confronting a bitter reality: had she known the ultimate price of this procedure, it's hard to believe that having a firmer backside would have seemed so important.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pelvic Floor Disorders

Hello -- sorry I have not been up to date with posting new articles. I'm back and I've posted another one for you

I found this article on I know that so many women out there suffer from Pelvic floor disorders and I thought this article might provide some guidance to those who need it. It's amazing what having children can do to the body. Oye.... -Health Girl

Pelvic Floor Disorders

by S. Gene McNeeley,

Pelvic floor (pelvic support) disorders involve a dropping down (prolapse) of the bladder, urethra, small intestine, rectum, uterus, or vagina caused by weakness of or injury to the ligaments, connective tissue, and muscles of the pelvis.

Women may feel pressure or a sense of fullness in the pelvis or have problems with urination or bowel movements.
A pelvic examination is done while a woman bears down to make abnormalities more obvious.
Pelvic muscle exercises and pessaries may help, but surgery may be needed.

Pelvic floor disorders occur only in women and become more common as women age. About 1 of 11 women needs surgery for a pelvic floor disorder during her lifetime.

The pelvic floor is a network of muscles, ligaments, and tissues that act like a hammock to support the organs of the pelvis: the uterus, vagina, bladder, urethra, and rectum. If the muscles become weak or the ligaments or tissues are stretched or damaged, the pelvic organs or small intestine may drop down and protrude into the vagina. If the disorder is severe, the organs may protrude all the way through the opening of the vagina and outside the body.

Did You Know...

During their lifetime, about 1 of 11 women needs surgery to repair a pelvic floor disorder.

Pelvic floor disorders usually result from a combination of factors. Being pregnant and having a vaginal delivery may weaken or stretch some of the supporting structures in the pelvis. Pelvic floor disorders are more common among women who have had several vaginal deliveries, and the risk increases with each delivery. The delivery itself may damage nerves, leading to muscle weakness. The risk of developing a pelvic floor may be less with a cesarean delivery than with a vaginal delivery.

Obesity, chronic coughing (for example, due to a lung disorder or smoking), frequent straining during bowel movements, and heavy lifting can also contribute to pelvic floor disorders. Other causes include disorders of nerves to the pelvic floor, injuries (including those due to surgery), and tumors. Some women have birth defects that affect this area or are born with weak pelvic tissues. As women age, the supporting structures in the pelvis may weaken, making pelvic floor disorders more likely to develop.

Types and Symptoms

All pelvic floor disorders are essentially hernias, in which organs protrude abnormally because supporting tissue is weakened. The different types of pelvic floor disorders are named according to the organ affected. Often, a woman has more than one type. In all types, the most common symptom is a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the area of the vagina—a feeling that the uterus, bladder, or rectum is dropping out.

When the Bottom Falls Out: Prolapse in the Pelvis
When the Bottom Falls Out: Prolapse in the Pelvis

Symptoms tend to occur when women are upright, straining, or coughing and to disappear when they are lying down and relaxing. For some women, sexual intercourse is painful. Mild cases may not cause symptoms until the woman becomes older.

Rectocele: A rectocele develops when the rectum drops down and protrudes into the back wall of the vagina. It results from weakening of the muscular wall of the rectum and the connective tissue around the rectum. A rectocele can make having a bowel movement difficult and may cause a sensation of constipation. Some women need to place a finger in the vagina and press against the rectum to have a bowel movement.

Enterocele: An enterocele develops when the small intestine and the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum) bulge downward between the vagina and the rectum. It occurs most often after the uterus has been surgically removed. An enterocele results from weakening of the connective tissue and ligaments supporting the uterus. An enterocele often causes no symptoms. But some women feel a sense of fullness or pressure or pain in the pelvis. Pain may also be felt in the lower back.

Cystocele and Cystourethrocele: A cystocele develops when the bladder drops down and protrudes into the front wall of the vagina. It results from weakening of the connective tissue and supporting structures around the bladder. A cystourethrocele is similar but develops when the upper part of the urethra (bladder neck) also drops down. Women with either of these disorders may have stress incontinence (passage of urine during coughing, laughing, or any other maneuver that suddenly increases pressure within the abdomen) or overflow incontinence (passage of urine when the bladder becomes too full). After urination, the bladder may not feel completely empty. Sometimes a urinary tract infection develops. Because the nerves to the bladder or urethra can be damaged, women who have these disorders may develop urge incontinence (an intense, irrepressible urge to urinate, resulting in the passage of urine).

Prolapse of the Uterus: In prolapse of the uterus, the uterus drops down into the vagina. It usually results from weakening of the connective tissue and ligaments supporting the uterus. The uterus may bulge only into the upper part of the vagina, into the middle part, or all the way through the opening of the vagina, resulting in total uterine prolapse (procidentia). Prolapse of the uterus may cause pain in the lower back or over the tailbone, although many women have no symptoms. Total uterine prolapse can cause pain during walking. Sores may develop on the protruding cervix and cause bleeding, a discharge, and infection. Prolapse of the uterus may cause a kink in the urethra. A kink may hide urinary incontinence if present or make urinating difficult. Women with total uterine prolapse may also have difficulty having a bowel movement.

Prolapse of the Vagina: In prolapse of the vagina, the upper part of the vagina drops down into the lower part, so that the vagina turns inside out. The upper part may drop part way through the vagina or all the way through, protruding outside the body and causing total vaginal prolapse. Prolapse of the vagina occurs only in women who have had a hysterectomy. Total vaginal prolapse may cause pain while sitting or walking. Sores may develop on the protruding vagina and cause bleeding and a discharge. Prolapse of the vagina may cause a compelling or frequent need to urinate. Or it may cause a kink in the urethra. A kink may hide urinary incontinence if present or make urinating difficult. Having a bowel movement may also be difficult.


Doctors can usually diagnose pelvic floor disorders by doing a pelvic examination with a speculum (an instrument that spreads the walls of the vagina apart). A doctor may insert one finger in the vagina and one finger in the rectum at the same time to determine how severe a rectocele or enterocele is.

A woman may be asked to bear down (as when having a bowel movement) or to cough. She may be examined while standing. The resulting pressure in the pelvis from coughing, standing, or both may make a pelvic floor disorder more obvious.

Procedures to determine how well the bladder and rectum are functioning may be done. For example, doctors often measure the amount of urine that the bladder can hold without leaking, the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination, and the rate of urine flow. If a woman has a problem with the passage of urine or urinary incontinence, doctors may use a flexible viewing tube to view the inside of the bladder (a procedure called cystoscopy) or the urethra (a procedure called urethroscopy). These procedures help doctors determine whether drugs or surgery is the best treatment. If the bladder is not functioning well, women are more likely to need surgery.


Exercises: If prolapse is mild, Kegel exercises can help by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises target the muscles around the vagina, urethra, and rectum—the muscles used to stop a stream of urine. These muscles are tightly squeezed, held tight for about 1 or 2 seconds, then relaxed for about 10 seconds. Gradually, contractions are lengthened to about 10 seconds each. The exercise is repeated about 10 times in a row. Doing the exercises several times a day is recommended. Women can do Kegel exercises when sitting, standing, or lying down.

Some women have difficulty contracting the correct muscles. Learning the exercises can be made easier by using the following:

Cone-shaped inserts placed in the vagina, which help women focus on contracting the correct muscle
Biofeedback devices
Electrical stimulation (a health care practitioner inserts a probe, which transmits an electrical current to make the correct muscle contract)

Pessaries: If prolapse is severe, a pessary may be used to support the pelvic organs. A pessary may be shaped like a diaphragm, cube, or doughnut. Pessaries are especially useful for women who are waiting for surgery or who cannot have surgery. A doctor fits the pessary to the woman by inserting and removing different sizes until the right one is found.

A pessary can be worn for many weeks before it needs to be removed and cleaned with soap and water. Women are taught how to insert and remove the pessary for monthly cleaning. If they prefer, they may go to the doctor's office periodically to have the pessary cleaned. Pessaries can irritate the vaginal tissues and cause a foul-smelling discharge. The discharge can be reduced by regular cleaning, nightly if possible. Some women choose to wear the pessary constantly, in which case the pessary should be changed every 2 to 3 weeks. They should also see their doctor every 6 to 12 months.

Surgery: Surgery is done if symptoms persist after women have tried Kegel exercises and a pessary. Surgery is usually done only after a woman has decided not to have any more children. The surgery usually involves inserting instruments into the vagina. The weakened area is located, and the tissues around it are built up to prevent the organ from dropping through the weakened area.

For severe prolapse of the uterus or vagina, the surgery may require an incision in the abdomen. The upper part of the vagina is attached with stitches to a nearby bone in the pelvis. Often, a catheter is inserted in the bladder to drain the urine for up to 24 hours. If urinary incontinence is present or would occur after prolapse of the uterus is repaired, surgery to correct incontinence can usually be done at the same time. Then the catheter to drain urine may need to remain in place longer. Heavy lifting, straining, and standing for a long time should be avoided for at least 3 months after surgery.

Last full review/revision December 2008 by S. Gene McNeeley, MD

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Benifits of Alkalization

I've heard that Alkalization can do so many good things for the body -- to include assuring that cancer can not survive inside our bodies if Alkalization (PH) levels are appropriate. I found this article by Mariana Bozesan that relates to Alkalization and weight loss. I hope it's informative. - Health Girl

Weight Loss Secret #1:


We should thank our fat — for without it we would be dead

— Dr. Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.

by Mariana Bozesan

If there was just one thing that you could do to help you lose weight and gain health it would be the gift of alkalization. Why? The body retains fat to protect itself from over acidity. Alkalization counteracts that acidity.

What is alkalization?
Just as we need to maintain a constant body temperature at all times, our body needs to maintain a constant pH (acid-alkaline) level. The body’s pH level can easily get out of balance through stress, emotional imbalances and an acidic diet. Acid-forming foods include meat, dairy, bread, pasta, sweets, caffeine, sodas and alcohol.

To neutralize the acid the body uses electrolyte minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, lithium and phosphorus. This can lead to a mineral imbalance in the body. In addition to gaining weight, the mineral disparity can lead to all kinds of diseases such as osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, coronary heart disease, diabetes, disturbed digestion, ulcers, allergies, autoimmune disorders, leaky gut syndrome, pains and aches, low energy, unclear thinking, depression, etc.

In other words, as long as our body is overly acidic, it won’t let us lose weight for it needs the fat to protect itself.

We can overcome that and begin losing weight through:
Weight Loss Secret #1:
The most important alkalizing foods for the human body are fresh, organic uncooked and unaltered green foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, herbs and salads. They provide us with all the essential nutrients and nature’s life force including protein, starches, oxygen, water, fiber, enzymes and minerals in a form that can be easily absorbed by the body. Green foods contain fats and proteins (yes, that’s right: proteins) as well as sugars and starches. They act as our greatest source of antioxidants, probiotics and phytonutrients, nature’s healing medicines. Greens are best if consumed freshly harvested from our own garden, but that can be difficult in our fast pace industrialized world.

What if I don’t have access to fresh greens
These days we can find many dried alternatives to fresh greens, which are always available and with which we can even travel. These are green powders also called superfoods or supergreens. They are made out of grasses, legumes and vegetables dried at low temperatures. When mixed with water and consumed three to five times per day or throughout the day as green water, they are just as beneficial to our body as fresh greens. By providing massive alkalization, they enable our body to let go of stored fats and lose weight.

When greens are not available, mixing a half a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass or fresh water at room temperature and drinking it three times a day especially after each meal, ensures neutralization of acids in the body and supports the alkalization process. However, consuming uncooked, unaltered green vegetables and legumes or the green drink is the best because of their excellent nutrient value. Therefore, make sure you eat fresh greens daily or get access to a ready made green drink, which you can also take on the road when traveling.

Can I make my own green superfood?
Yes, you can. You can use dried barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaf, horsetail, alfalfa, dandelion, kamut, broccoli, kale, spinach, parsley, ginger and others to which you have easy access. Just make sure your ingredients are of organic origin (no pesticides, herbicides, or irradiation) and have been dried at low temperatures to preserve their natural medicines.

Which are the best Superfoods?
Numerous dried green food products exist and using any of them will be a huge contribution to alkalizing your body to lose weight. It is a matter of taste which one you choose. Their taste is neutral, neither good nor bad. Over the years I have tested and used several different green products. In our family, we consume three different types of superfoods because each one of us prefers a different taste. The best quality greens which I have tested and would recommend so far are - in no particular order - David Wolfe’s Nature’s First Food, Dr. Udo Erasmus’s Green Blend and Dr. Robert Young’s Super Greens.

Where can I buy Superfoods?
You can purchase supergreens in most health food stores in your area, online or through this website.

How do I make a green drink to super alkalize my body?
A green drink is made by mixing one quart (1 liter) of purified water — regular tap water is not good enough — with one teaspoon of greens. Make sure to consume one gallon (4 Liters) of green drink per day. By doing that you are not only alkalizing your body to let go of unwanted fat, you are also super hydrating and allow the toxins that are now also being set free to be flushed out of your body.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

15 Cancer Symptoms Women Ignore

Wow! Please.. please take a look at this article I found on You may not have any reason the believe that you have cancer, but please take this information with you for the future. You may be able to share this with someone who may have some of these symptoms. - Health Girl

WebMD uncovers common cancer warning signs women often overlook.
By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Women tend to be more vigilant than men about getting recommended health checkups and cancer screenings, according to studies and experts.

They're generally more willing, as well, to get potentially worrisome symptoms checked out, says Mary Daly, MD, oncologist and head of the department of clinical genetics at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

But not always. Younger women, for instance, tend to ignore symptoms that could point to cancer. "They have this notion that cancer is a problem of older people," Daly tells WebMD. And they're often right, but plenty of young people get cancer, too.

Of course, some women are as skilled as men are at switching to denial mode. "There are people who deliberately ignore their cancer symptoms," says Hannah Linden, MD, a medical oncologist. She is a joint associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle. It's usually denial, but not always, she says. "For some, there is a cultural belief that cancer is incurable, so why go there."

Talking about worrisome symptoms shouldn't make people overreact, says Ranit Mishori, MD, an assistant professor of family medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. "I don't want to give people the impression they should look for every little thing," she says.

With that healthy balance between denial and hypochondria in mind, WebMD asked experts to talk about the symptoms that may not immediately make a woman worry about cancer, but that should be checked out. Read on for 15 possible cancer symptoms women often ignore.

No. 1: Unexplained Weight Loss

Many women would be delighted to lose weight without trying. But unexplained weight loss -- say 10 pounds in a month without an increase in exercise or a decrease in food intake -- should be checked out, Mishori says.

"Unexplained weight loss is cancer unless proven not," she says. It could, of course, turn out to be another condition, such as an overactive thyroid.

Expect your doctor to run tests to check the thyroid and perhaps order a CT scan of different organs. The doctor needs to "rule out the possibilities, one by one," Mishori says.

No. 2: Bloating

Bloating is so common that many women just live with it. But it could point to ovarian cancer. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain or pelvic pain, feeling full quickly -- even when you haven't eaten much -- and urinary problems, such as having an urgent need to go to the bathroom.

If the bloating occurs almost every day and persists for more than a few weeks, you should consult your physician. Expect your doctor to take a careful history and order a CT scan and blood tests, among others.

Postpartum Depression - Topic Overview

I found this article at This is a condition that afflicts so many new mothers and I'm posting this article in hope that someone will realize that they may need help. Check out the checklist below.

- Health Girl

What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a serious illness that can occur in the first few months after childbirth. It also can happen after miscarriage and stillbirth.

Postpartum depression can make you feel very sad, hopeless, and worthless. You may have trouble caring for and bonding with your baby.

Postpartum depression is not the "baby blues," which many women have in the first couple of weeks after childbirth. With the blues, you may have trouble sleeping and feel moody, teary, and overwhelmed. You may have these feelings along with being happy about your baby. But the "baby blues" usually go away within a couple of weeks. The symptoms of postpartum depression can last for months.

In rare cases, a woman may have a severe form of depression called postpartum psychosis. She may act strangely, see or hear things that aren't there, and be a danger to herself and her baby. This is an emergency, because it can quickly get worse and put her or others in danger.

It’s very important to get treatment for depression. The sooner you get treated, the sooner you'll feel better and enjoy your baby.

What causes postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression seems to be brought on by the changes in hormone levels that occur after pregnancy. Any woman can get postpartum depression in the months after childbirth, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

You have a greater chance of getting postpartum depression if:

  • You've had depression or postpartum depression before.
  • You have poor support from your partner, friends, or family.
  • You have a sick or colicky baby.
  • You have a lot of other stress in your life.

You are more likely to get postpartum psychosis if you or someone in your family has bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression).

What are the symptoms?

A woman who has postpartum depression may:

  • Feel very sad, hopeless, and empty. Some women also may feel anxious.
  • Lose pleasure in everyday things.
  • Not feel hungry and may lose weight. (But some women feel more hungry and gain weight).
  • Have trouble sleeping.
  • Not be able to concentrate.

These symptoms can occur in the first day or two after the birth. Or they can follow the symptoms of the baby blues after a couple of weeks.

If you think you might have postpartum depression, fill out this postpartum depression checklist(What is a PDF document?) . Take it with you when you see your doctor.

A woman who has postpartum psychosis may feel cut off from her baby. She may see and hear things that aren't there. Any woman who has postpartum depression can have fleeting thoughts of suicide or of harming her baby. But a woman with postpartum psychosis may feel like she has to act on these thoughts.

If you think you can't keep from hurting yourself, your baby, or someone else, see your doctor right away or call911 for emergency medical care. For other resources, call:

  • The national suicide hotline, National Hopeline Network, at 1-800-784-2433.
  • The National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453.

How is postpartum depression diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and ask about your symptoms.

Be sure to tell your doctor about any feelings of baby blues at your first checkup after the baby is born. Your doctor will want to follow up with you to see how you are feeling.

How is it treated?

Postpartum depression is treated with counseling and antidepressant medicines. Women with milder depression may be able to get better with counseling alone. But many women need counseling and medicine. Some antidepressants are considered safe for women who breast-feed.

To help yourself get better, make sure to eat well, get some exercise every day, and get as much sleep as possible. Seek support from family and friends if you can.

Try not to feel bad about yourself for having this illness. It doesn't mean you're a bad mother. Many women have postpartum depression. It may take time, but you can get better with treatment.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

, I personally find apple-cider vinegar to work. I remember about 5 years back or more, I was working out at a gym with a juice bar and the girl there happened to be a medical student doing research on the effects of apple-cider vinegar and the reduction of carb intake --which I think effects blood sugar . She told me that if you take it before eating pasta, it diminishes some of the actual absorption. I wanna say she said something like 40 percent of the actual carb consumption is reduced. I still take it either before or immediately after eating a large carb dish and I don't feel as heavy and I noticed less weight gain. I also do this along with exercise, so maybe it's the excercise not sure.

I found this article at Enjoy! -- Health Girl

Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is prepared by pulverizing apples into a slurry of juice and pulp then adding yeast and sugars.

Reports of the healing properties of apple cider vinegar date to 3300 BC. In 400 BC, Hippocrates supposedly used apple cider vinegar as a healing elixir, an antibiotic, and for general health. Samurai warriors purportedly used a vinegar tonic for strength and power. U.S. Civil War soldiers used a vinegar solution to prevent gastric upset and as a treatment for pneumonia and scurvy.

Apple cider vinegar has been used alone and in combination with other agents for many health conditions. Anecdotally, ancient Egyptians used apple cider vinegar for weight loss. During the diet "craze" of the 1970s, proponents suggested that a combination of apple cider, kelp, vitamin B6, and lecithin could "trick" the body's metabolism into burning fat faster. Claims of preventing viral and bacterial infections, as well as allergic reactions to pollen, dander and dust stem from the proposed ability of apple cider vinegar to prevent alkalinization of the body. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to form a clear conclusion about the efficacy or safety of apple cider vinegar for any health condition.

There may be long-term risks associated with the acidity of apple cider vinegar, including low blood potassium levels (hypokalemia) or diminished bone mineral density.

Evidence Table

These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.


The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.


Adults (over 18 years old)

No specific doses are supported by well-designed clinical trials. In general, 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar have been taken in 1 cup water three times daily. Also, 285-milligram tablets have been taken with meals. Topical and rectal preparations have also been used but safety is unclear.

Children (under 18 years old)

Not enough available evidence.


Many complementary techniques are practiced by healthcare professionals with formal training, in accordance with the standards of national organizations. However, this is not universally the case, and adverse effects are possible. Due to limited research, in some cases only limited safety information is available.

Caution should be exercised in patients with known allergy or hypersensitivity to apple cider vinegar or any of its ingredients, including apples and pectin.

Side Effects and Warnings

There is little scientific study of the safety of apple cider vinegar. The acidity of undiluted apple cider vinegar may destroy tooth enamel when sipped orally. Use cautiously in patients with low potassium levels or taking potassium-lowering medications. Use cautiously in patients with diabetes since apple cider vinegar may contain chromium, which may affect insulin levels. Use cautiously in patients with osteoporosis, based on one case report. Avoid sipping or drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar:

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Not recommended due to lack of sufficient data. Likely safe when taken orally as food flavoring. Possibly unsafe when used in larger amounts.


Interactions with Drugs

Note: Theoretical interactions are based on potential pH altering effects of apple cider vinegar. The degree to which apple cider vinegar affects blood pH is currently not established.

Theoretically, long-term oral use of apple cider vinegar can decrease potassium levels, increasing the risk of toxicity of cardiac glycoside drugs such as digoxin (Lanoxin®), adding to the potassium-lowering effects of insulin, laxatives and diuretics such as furosemide (Lasix®).

Interactions with Herbs & Dietary Supplements

Note: Theoretical interactions are based on potential pH altering effects of apple cider vinegar. The degree to which apple cider vinegar affects blood pH is currently not established.

Theoretically, long-term oral use of apple cider vinegar can decrease potassium levels. This may increase the risk of toxicity of cardiac glycoside herbs, add to the potassium-lowering effects of diuretics, and/or add to the potassium-lowering effects of laxative herbs.


This information is based on a systematic review of scientific literature, and was peer-reviewed and edited by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration ( Tracee Rae Abrams, PharmD (University of Rhode Island); Ethan Basch, MD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center); Heather Boon B.Sc.Phm, PhD (University of Toronto); Nicole Giese, MS (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Mary Giles, PharmD (University of Rhode Island); Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, CDN, RH (AHG) (Bastyr University); Catherine DeFranco Kirkwood, MPH, CCCJS-MAC (MD Anderson Cancer Center); Christine Park, PharmD (Northeastern University); Adrianne Rogers, MD (Boston University); Erica Rusie, PharmD (Nova Southeastern University); Joshua Sklar, PharmD (University of Rhode Island); Catherine Ulbricht, PharmD (Massachusetts General Hospital); Wendy Weissner, BA (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Jennifer Woods (Northeastern University).


Natural Standard developed the above evidence-based information based on a thorough systematic review of the available scientific articles. For comprehensive information about alternative and complementary therapies on the professional level, go to Selected references are listed below. Lhotta K, Hofle G, Gasser R, et al. Hypokalemia, hyperreninemia and osteoporosis in a patient ingesting large amounts of cider vinegar. Nephron 1998;80(2):242-243. View Abstract Shindea UA, Sharma G, Xu YJ, et al. Insulin sensitising action of chromium picolinate in various experimental models of diabetes mellitus. J Trace Elem Med Biol 2004;18(1):23-32. View Abstract

Copyright © 2008 Natural Standard (

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eating Salmon Comparable to Excercise?

I saw this on Good Morning America and thought it was Amazing! Some weeks earlier, these reporters went to a Standard family restaurant -- think it was maybe TGI Fridays or Applebees. They ate the most fattening items on the menu . Their blood was taken and in a test tube ( I think of the plasma or water in the blood) it was yellow and murky (just goes to show why we get so tired and lethargic after poor consumption choices). Viewers asked the reporters to do the same thing with healthy items on the menu. Both blood samples after this were extremely clear -- in fact, the female reporter ordered the salmon and I'm not sure how they were able to tell , but the people doing the testing said that her blood vessels had actually expanded, as if she had just exercised. I added the link below. Please have a look. This is such good info to keep in mind. Thise demonstrates the benefits of Omega-3

Omega 3 has long lasting Benefits
Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Heart Disease and Cholesterol
Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure. Read more... article By: Gloria Tsang, RD